ILS Authentication


The ILS Authentication guide will walk you through the following:

  • Types of validations LocalHop can set up for your library
  • How to setup “per attendee” validation for an event
  • How to setup “primary purchaser” validation for an event

Types of Validations

LocalHop can restrict the signup of individuals and groups based on a preset filter determined by your library that validates the information against your ILS system. Here are a few ways to validate patrons at signup.

  • Residency – Validate that a patron lives in a certain area to sign up for an event.
  • Charge Amount – Validate signup once an event is paid for.
  • Barcode Prefix – Simply validate that a series of numbers at the beginning of a barcode match those of the library card entered by the patron.
  • Patron Status – Validate if a patron is blacklisted, has overdue books, late fees, or does not have a valid library card, etc.
  • No Pin – Allow library staff/administrators to bypass pin validations to sign up a patron over the phone or in person. Note: A library card number will still be required for validation.

Two Types of ILS Authentication for Event Signups

For group signup, your library has the option to require each patron/attendee to provide the details of their own library card (per attendee) or allow a single user to provide only their library card number/pin to sign up a group for an event (primary purchaser).

Per Attendee Validation Setup

“Per attendee” validation can be used if your library requires that EVERY attendee have their own library card/pin number to register for an event. This is the strongest validation option for your library event signups.

Set up the “per attendee” validation via the LocalHop form builder. In the left navigation panel in your admin dashboard, select the following:

Organization > Form Builder > +Add New Form

Form Name: Name your form so that library administrators will recognize which event the form will be tied to.

Add ILS field under the “Add Form Element” options.

Field Label: Name the field that attendees will see that requires entry of their library card/pin number. Note: This is always a required field for attendees if ILS element is added to a form that is tied to an event.

Event setup for “per attendee” validation

When creating your event, select “LocalHop Ticketing” from the ticketing dropdown and select “Change.”

In the “Edit Ticketing Configuration” pop-up, select the correct ILS form in the “FORM” options. Note: Do NOT enable primary purchaser checkbox, you will not be able to complete this action because it conflicts with the “per attendee” settings in your form.

Once the event with ticketing and attached ILS form are published, all guests who attempt to register will be required to enter their library card number and pin.

For staff members registering guests that call or come into your library to register for an event, they will also be required to enter the library card number for each guest they register, but administrators will not be prompted for a pin number.

Primary Purchaser Validation Setup

A “primary purchaser” validation setup only requires a single card/pin number validation to sign up a group of people for an event.

The primary purchaser validation is set up when creating your event ticketing.

LocalHop Ticketing > Primary Purchaser > ENABLE PRIMARY PURCHASER

Note: For the primary purchaser option, you can still create your event form to collect attendee information. When primary purchaser is enabled, DO NOT include an ILS field on the form that will be tied to your event.

When an attendee attempts to register a group for an event, they will only be prompted to add a single library card/pin number to register their group.

Administrators: For walk-in or call-in group registrations, administrators will only be required to add a library card number for the groups main contact. A pin number will not be required for logged-in administrators signing up guests.

Note: There is no way to guarantee the remaining guests in a group have their own library cards using primary purchaser validation.