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Support Articles
Event Day/Time Picker
CategoriesThe LocalHop event day/time picker guide will walk you through the following: Types of repeating occurrences Confirming the dates of your events Deleting an occurrence in the series Adding room reservations for each new instance you create When creating your...
Form Builder
CategoriesThe form builder guide will walk you through the following: Creating a new form Naming your form(s) Form elements Required and optional fields Begin by selecting the “Form Builder” tab under the “Organization” dropdown in the left side navigation. Select the...
User Roles
CategoriesThe user roles guide will walk you through the following: Default settings when adding a new user Who has the ability to manage roles within an organization Setting permissions The user roles and the actions assigned to each role Keywords and organization...
RSS Link Builder
What is RSS? RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format that can share events to deivces and systems that read RSS. Our RSS Link Builder Super Admins of any...
Room Management
CategoriesThe room management guide will walk you through the following: Setting up your individual rooms and spaces Set room pricing for each space Add and remove portable and stationary equipment Add available dates and times Adding terms of use documents Begin by...
Public Facing Room Reservation (Administrators)
CategoriesROOM MANAGEMENT (LEFT COLUMN) ROOMS Select the room you would like to open up for public reservations and select the green EDIT button. These settings are all set by individual room, settings here will not affect other rooms. Select the YES button under...
Create an Event
Create an EventCategoriesThis LocalHop event creation guide will walk you through the following: Adding event details that will help your event get found Virtual event setup Date/time picker to set up multiple instances or a single event Reminders to attendees Adding...
ILS Authentication
CategoriesThe ILS Authentication guide will walk you through the following: Types of validations LocalHop can set up for your library How to setup "per attendee" validation for an event How to setup "primary purchaser" validation for an event Types of Validations...
Image Quality & Resolution For The Web
Image Quality & Resolution For The WebWhat is a High-Resolution Image A high-resolution image can come in two forms, one that's at least 300 DPI (dots per inch) or 300 PPI. For example, if you print out a photo, the printer will showcase 300 microdots of ink for...