What is RSS?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format that can share events to deivces and systems that read RSS.
Our RSS Link Builder
Super Admins of any organization now have access to a link builder that can be used to quickly generate an initial link.
How It Works
Select any and all relevant parameters and select the green “Update Link” button which is located on the bottom lefthand side of your screen.
Dataset Parameters
The Dataset parameter of the RSS Link Builder is used to change the feed content verbosity and data field naming conventions.
For Power Users
Power Users have the ability to map item data in within their RSS reader as well as create custom solutions. These users will want to set their parameter to “Default.”
If the parameter is set to “Default,” the RSS feed will include most data fields in LocalHop’s system that are related to the events.
For Other Users
For most other users, the parameter should be set to “Simplified.” This parameter will provide the feed with a much more streamlined version of data that is easily consumed by most RSS readers.