Young Adult Programs Your Library Should Consider Offering
Young Adult Programs Your Library Should Consider Offering
For the most part, it is common knowledge that public libraries host a variety of events throughout the day for their patrons. Most of these events are geared toward children, adults, and, seniors. However, some of the most frequent library visitors in the early mornings and evenings are young adults, ages 20-30 years old. There are many life changes during these years and the library could be the perfect place for these young adults to learn some of the valuable skills they need during that unique transition time between college graduation, settling into a career, and starting a family.
Here are a few suggestions for young adult programs and classes that your library may want to consider hosting:
Debt/Financial Planning/Saving
Many college students take out loans or get credit cards not knowing the consequences of (in some cases) recklessly spending that money. Once college is over those financial institutions expect to start collecting. A course on managing your student loans and the importance of avoiding debt when possible may give them the knowledge they need to start their future career with as little debt as possible and a decent credit score.
Mental Health
The resources for mental health are few and far between. There is still a stigma surrounding mental illness. With the stress of college, relationships, PTSD, and even genetic factors playing a role, many young adults struggle day to day thinking they are alone or don’t know where to turn to for help. A course on different types of mental illnesses providing resources and tools to cope might not only improve the quality of life of those who attend but may also help save lives.
Nutrition/Cooking Hacks
Between college and starting a new career, many young adults go for quick and unhealthy food to make it through their busy days. A class with a nutritionist providing handouts for healthy, easy to make meals for busy adults could appeal to all ages.
Career Help
A class to help writing a resume, a library hosted job fair, or assistance in helping to post resumes to job boards like Indeed, Monster, and creating a LinkedIn profile could help get them started.
Having Kids/ Planning on Having Kids
Expecting parents have a bunch of questions and they might even be coming to your library to find books on becoming new parents. Breathing classes and hospital tours come late in the pregnancy, leaving some new moms and dads with many unknowns for those first few months. A “what to expect” course with a registered nurse and midwife on hand to answer questions. For each program, pull all of your library’s related topic books on pregnancy making it easy for attendees to search through and check out those books after the class is over.
Buying First Car/ Home/ Business
Bring in the pros, those who have been there and done that to share their success and failure business stories, realtors and bankers that can educate people on what they want and what they can afford, often times they aren’t the same.
Affordable Travel
Bring in community travel partners, Costco reps, Groupon reps, local travel agents and show how easy and cheap it is to travel the country or even the world. Direct attendees to the travel section to read about the places they have always wanted to go.
Getting Married – What to Expect/ Plan For
Perfect for after the Valentines or Christmas holidays, a what to expect before, during, and after, the nuptials class. Provide couples with checklists, help them set up a Pinterest board, and explain to attendees what goes into legally changing their name, the pros, and cons of merging financials, and the average costs of weddings.
Your library may already offer some of these programs or classes, but we invite you to consider some of the others. Next time you are planning library events be sure to ask some of your younger adult patrons what they might like to attend or even try scheduling a few different programs to see which get the best attendance. Use LocalHop to market these great events to young adults and get bonus promotions through the LH website, mobile app, and on social media.